Current coaching student results
Results are updated each month with the results of graduated coaching students. These stats are derived from both live real money and simulated training results during the course of training. These stats include data from over 100 students. The criteria for graduation is the ability to match or exceed simulated/ live training results in the live market with real money.
"Trader Genius has provided me the “Liberty”, freedom from control, to find financial freedom."
"Trader Genius has helped me push through my trials and tribulations as a trader, but most importantly, has helped me learn from my mistakes and dial in my trading process."
"Incredible tools to assess the market and an excellent education program."
The software tools they have are cutting edge. The community is like a family, everyone working to achieve the same goal.
Post Graduation Live-market Results
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Interviews With Real People -
James Mahon
Chats on Genius Street: 4/1/2020
These results, and any results posted throughout the website or any other Social Media platforms, are byproducts of experienced Trader Genius Members trading using their own processes and strategies. These results come from real interactions between Members within the Trader Genius Community and are not necessarily typical or in anyway guaranteed.